Friday, June 5, 2009

What Triggers Panic Attacks? Simple Things Help Stop Panic Attacks.

Anyone who has suffered from a panic attack knows how unpleasant they can be. Tightness in the chest, sweaty palms and fore head, fear you cannot breath and thinking you might pass out or die.

What many do not know is that there are recognizable triggers for panic attacks. There are also steps you can take to minimize or even avoid the anxiety attacks.

One simple thing to consider is a vitamin supplement. Interestingly vitamin B is one key vitamin which is in low levels for many and quite a few medical issues can arise when one has low levels of vitamin B. Oddly enough low levels of vitamin B trigger low level anxiety symptoms which can then lead to a full anxiety attack.

Also if you tend to keep your feelings inside this is a potentially detrimental choice. Not only do your friends and family not know when they have slighted you but you also internalize your hurt anger and frustration which really is creating the perfect situation for a panic or anxiety attack.

I am thinking of a specific friend who was afraid of hurting any ones feelings. He never told any of us when he was hurt or frustrated. After doing some work with him he was able to be more honest and that honesty actually decreased the frequency and intensity of his attacks. The anxiety is basically gone for him.

If you have a phobia there are simple, effective ways to face those fears and get past them. One other fellow I know had a powerful fear of driving. We used some simple techniques to get him past this phobia. In some cases it is essential to face your phobia and overcome it. For most people driving is very important and facing such a fear is a great choice.

There are simple ways to get past anxiety for good. Click here to check out the free video and audio information to overcome anxiety and panic attacks simply and easily.

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